Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) - seminarios - 5 días

Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) - seminarios - 5 días RH300
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Fecha de disponibilidad estimada: 2/11/22
Red HatFabricanteRed HatRef. Fab.
FabricanteRed Hat
CategoríaSistema operativo
This course is for UNIX or Linux system administrators who have significant real-world experience with UNIX or Linux systems administration and some experience setting up key networking services such as HTTP, DNS, NIS, DHCP, and who want a fast-track course to prepare for the RHCE Exam. The goal of the course is to train a system administrator who has been tested by means of the RHCE Exam, a realistic performance-based lab exam that tests his/her actual ability to: install and configure Red Hat Linux; understand limitations of hardware; configure basic networking and file systems; configure the X Window System; configure basic security, set up common network (IP) services, carry out basic diagnostics and troubleshooting, and perform essential Red Hat Linux system administration.


GRUPO TECON, S.L. - Oficinas en Alicante, Albacete y Murcia - Email: - Telf: 902 91 00 11
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